If you require silhouettes or solid shapes including people, animals, arrows, speech bubbles, etc. Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option Yes, remove app preference. Like patterns, shapes are a somewhat overlooked resource for Photoshop. Discover hundreds of free custom shapes on.

Have a feature request - Submit here Copyright © 2023 Adobe. Make sure to vote on this suggestion to easily end this confusing situation by simply adding a legacy entry in a sub menu that is identical to the re-addition of the default shapes. Following our collection of 2,000+ Patterns for Photoshop, we are bringing you a massive collection of Custom Shapes. Sign In Where I can find more custom shapes in Photoshop 2. Please post what you get if it is different.

Are you looking to add shapes other than a boring old circle or square to your designs You can add a ton. In this panel, click on the hamburger on the top right, select "Legacy Shapes and More", it should add a "Legacy Shapes and More" folder that should have two sub folders, a "2019 Shapes" and a "All Legacy Default Shapes" folder that contains itself ! a "Legacy Default Shapes"folder, the classic list that we had for years and other folders of shapes that were added before the 2019 version. Subscribe Below to Download the Article Immediately. This enhancement makes the Photoshop user interface looks crisp and sharp regardless of the pixel density of your monitor. Hi, make sure that you are looking in the Shapes panel, not in the Option bar, over there, you are seeing the currently loaded Shapes, and very confusingly, even if you you can append the default shapes once again, but halas, not load the legacy Shapes. On Windows 10 Creators Update and later versions, Photoshop now offers a full range of choices for UI scalingfrom 100 through 400 in 25 increments.